Ducane 31732101 Affinity 3100 Natural Gas Grill, Black

  Ducane 31732101 Affinity 3100 Natural Gas Grill, Black

Ducane 31732101 Affinity 3100 Natural Gas Grill, Black
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Saturday, December 14, 2013

Assemble for a grill

Assemble for a grill

Remember in high school when you were dating that girl and you *thought* you were in love? And then you broke up and a few years later someone better came along and you found out what real love really felt like? Remember that grill that you thought you loved? You know, the one that you bought at Walmart with for $199 with 8 burners, a built in sink and a helicopter landing pad? Well, you haven't loved a grill until you've owned this one. Simplicity is key, and combined with great build quality, this grill is an absolute WINNER.

Let me just say this: there's a reason why this grill is more than ones from other makers even though it may seemingly have less features and less burners. It is so well made and so easy to put together it's crazy. This thing is a tank. And it's beautiful.

It's like comparing a BMW and Kia. They both have CD players and leather seats - but are they equal? Nope.

A couple of GREAT things about this grill:

1. It is amazingly easy to assemble for a grill. The directions are all pictures, which is kind of annoying, but if you can't read you'll love it.
2. It is packed very well.
3. It is beautiful when assembled. It is a real work of art.
4. It cooks food so darn well - evenly, accurately and with precision. It heats up quickly.
5. The fold down trays on the side are a nice touch. The grill takes up a really small footprint when you need it to.

A couple of NOT so great things about this grill:

1. If you're used to cooking 17 cobs of corn 14 burgers, 12 hot dogs and a two t-bones simultaneously, this is not the grill for you.
2. I don't really like the back of the handle - instead of being solid, it has like some ridges (to add grip I guess?) and it feels, well, not good.
Assemble for a grill 

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